About Pianist Aejin Chang

About Pianist Aejin Chang 

Aejin Chang is a pianist and piano teacher currently residing in Los Alamos, New Mexico, where she has run an independent teaching studio since 2006.

Aejin holds a Master of Arts degree in piano performance from The Rimsky-Korsakov Saint-Petersburg State Conservatory (Санкт-Петербургской консерватории им. Н.А.Римского-Корсакова) in Russia. She has had many solo recitals, ensembles and accompanied performances in Russia, South Korea, and the U.S.A. Her recordings in her studio are regularly updated in her YouTube channel.

She has been an active member of the Music Teachers National Association(MTNA) and the Los Alamos Music Teachers Association(LAMTA) since 2011.

Contact infomation

Aejin Chang Piano Studio is open to anyone who loves music - Feel free to contact by phone or e-mail (preferred).

e-mail: caejin@gmail.com
Phone: 505.661.2341
Adress: 1445 Camino Medio, Los Alamos, NM 87544

About the Studio 

Aejin's home studio features a Steinway & Sons grand piano model B (6’ 11’’, music room grand), a Schimmel upright piano, and an extensive music library.


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